Quantum Cellular Medicine “QCM” is the segment of medicine that focuses on cell function and cell communication in the diagnosis, treatment, and maintenance of health and wellness in the human body.

QCM is one of the most pleasant ways to a healthier, longer life
"QCM" Quantum Cellular Medicine
Relaxation, Preservation, Regeneration
QCM is for the whole family

Beata Nasra

Beata Nasra

Contact Us

Magdy Nasra, M.D.
Offering Biologics: Stem Cell / Exosomes
Magdy Nasra, M.D.

27 Willow Brook Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733

With an expert team that has over 30 years of experience, the office of Magdy Nasra, MD in Holmdel, New Jersey, places personalized care and understanding as a priority when it comes to helping patients get well. Dr. Nasra understands that no two patients are alike. The problems each patient faces require a specialized approach, both inside and outside of the office (even for those suffering from the most common ailments).

Specialized Care with Dr. Nasra

The care team takes the time to speak with patients to understand what is troubling them, what kind of care they’re hoping for, and how the team can ultimately help. Specializing in internal medicine, we understand patient care is different for all communities. We also value a comprehensive approach to LGBTQ patient care where we aim to provide quality, evidence-based healthcare that comes from a non-judgemental, and open-minded approach. We strive to maintain a safe, stigma-free and welcoming space for every patient.